Studying in Paradise

Allie Mckinzie
July 23, 2018

Coming down the mountain from the airport on the tiny island of Baltra, we were all shocked by the brilliant blueness and clearness of the water that stood in stark contrast to the dusty, reddish desserts surrounding the ocean. Unable to contain ourselves, we took countless pictures, wanting to capture this picturesque scene of utter paradise. Little did we know, we would be seeing this exact same scene for the next two weeks as we studied and lived among the locals on the island of San Cristobal.

Our first day of school, after getting acquainted with our new university and with the professor teaching our course, we became aware of two things: that our course load was going to be intense and that we were going to be studying ten feet away from a beach in a tropical paradise. We also soon realized that the mix between these two facts was going to be incredibly difficult, as studying for exams when there is a tempting beach to be enjoyed nearby proved to be as difficult as it sounds.

Nonetheless, we discovered ways to both enjoy the island and to get the most out of our course. We chose to enjoy the little things the island had to offer, such as the sea lions and beautiful views we got to see on our walks to and from lunch and school. We also learned the importance of study breaks, as small, thirty-minute dips in the ocean helped us study better and satisfied our craving for fun. All in all, we learned that it was important to find a balance between pleasure and work; even in the paradise that is the Galapagos.

Allie Mckinzie

<p>I've always been incredibly passionate about adventure and the outdoors! You can find me backpacking, hiking, scuba diving, or just exploring in my free time. I welcome new experiences and treasure the wonderful people and places these experiences bring me.</p>

Home University:
Indiana University
Indianapolis, IN
Biological Sciences
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