...Until next time?

Aida Mengistu
June 12, 2018
"Imagine the Possibilities" - Columbus Museum of Art

Current Mood:

I’m feeling it all. Nervous, excited, hungry, tired, yet energized.

As I wait for my flight in O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, Illinois, I can’t help but collect myself in preparation for the journey ahead. My phone hasn’t stopped buzzing! “Goodbye” and “See you later” and “love you” are being exchanged everywhere around me. As a charismatic, “people’s person” such as myself, I can’t help but think of the family, friends, coworkers, places, and the social environment that I cherish and will miss the most. As seen below, I will miss a variety of people, pets, places, and things about the place I call my home. With this, the previous week suddenly turned into the “last-time-I-will…” as if there wouldn't be a next time.

“This is the last time I will see my family and friends for a long time, hug them tight.”

“Oh, this is the last time I will sleep in my own bed…the last time I will eat Chinese.”

“This is the last time I will be in Iowa City, Iowa, on my beloved campus.”

“This is the last time I’ll watch the beautiful sunset from my room, let alone drive my car to the park.”

But is it really the last time? No, clearly it isn’t.

I know that I will be able to do everything (more or less so), just in a different environment. I need not worry, as anxious as it can be going to an entire different community, city, let alone continent. Because this is not my first time to the beautiful continent of Africa, I feel comforted and at peace to be provided the opportunity to travel again while interning with the South African Red Cross Society as an Intern in Health. With all the emotions and thoughts running through my head, I decided to use my 22+ flight time to gather my thoughts for the experience ahead and plan my activities for the next time.

“Next time, I will be eating Chinese in Cape Town, South Africa.”

“Next time, I will watch the sunset with new friends over the Atlantic Ocean.”

“Next time, I will hike Table Mountain when I find time to explore.”

“Next time, I will spend my day interning with an international health organization that supports similar values as myself.”

UPDATE: Current Mood:

At peace. Curious. Excited for what’s to come.

Aida Mengistu

<p>Hi there! My name is Aida Mengistu and I am from Sioux City, Iowa. I am currently in my fourth year at the University of&nbsp;Iowa pursuing a double major in Health &amp; Human Physiology - with a focus on Health Promotion - as well as a Global&nbsp;Health Studies major and an Anthropology minor. A bit about myself, I absolutely love to travel and experience new&nbsp;cultures and traditions! I tend to express myself through my photography, whether it be through the warmth of a&nbsp;morning sunrise or the interactions between people. I also enjoy music, movies, and the performing arts. Fun fact, I am&nbsp;originally from Ethiopia and have traveled twice before to visit my extended family members over the summer!</p>

Home University:
University of Iowa
Sioux City, IA
Global Studies
Health Studies
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