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IB 326 - Principles of Marketing Management

The marketing function is an essential part of almost every large business enterprise. To be effective, senior business managers and leaders must understand how marketing activities are connected to overall organizational performance, and any professional who works within the marketing function must master that discipline’s key concepts, analytical tools, and processes. This course provides students with an introduction to the central elements of marketing management. In particular, we will consider:

  1. The basic concepts of marketing
  2. The role of the marketing function within the overall business enterprise
  3. The various activities necessary for effective marketing planning, including an analysis of cross-cultural and environmental factors that impact international operations
  4. Key issues of strategy, implementation, and marketing management relevant to a firm’s long-term success

The primary objective of the course is to provide students who are interested in business with the introductory knowledge and skills that they will need to move into professionals roles, whether in the marketing function or another discipline. At the same time, the course aims to improve the overall critical thinking and communication skills that students will need in order to succeed in any organization or field.

Course Information


International Business

Term(s) Offered:




Language of instruction:


Contact Hours:




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