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CM 325 - TV, Communication and Media in Milan

Communication and media have always been an interesting theme to be studied and also to be analyzed. Media are characterized by a sort of common way of behavior and a common goal; recently, in spite of “mass media”, “target media” is preferred to stress the idea that products and messages are directed to a particular group of people, not to everyone, indifferently.

This course will take into consideration two different points of view to talk about communication and media. First of all, it will stress the explanation of what communication is and what it has meant and means today, in a world characterized by relationships and connections. It is not possible to deny or ignore the influence media exert on people, not only from an industrial and commercial point of view, but also, and above all, from a human and social one. It will be useful to study the values and ways of life television and advertising offer the audience and to get information about the producers of television programs and tv commercials that people love or hate. The course, moreover, will focus on different media fields that characterize Milan: journalism and news making, advertising industry, television and music industry. Every theme will be studied and analyzed both from the point of view of history and theory and from a practical and productive one. Some of them will be developed through lectures, discussions and field studies dedicated to visit newspaper offices, television studios and the headquarter of a major ad agency based in Milan.

Course Information



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