Intern Abroad in Barcelona

Internships in Barcelona open doors of opportunities to grow professionally and personally in the global marketplace. Spend the work week developing résumé-worthy skills and spend the weekends exploring all that Barcelona has to offer.

What’s a day in the life like as a Barcelona internships student? Imagine waking up to enjoy a meal at your homestay (or perhaps an apartment in the summer!) in Barcelona and heading off to your internship, taking in the sights and sounds of this bustling city. While at your internship, you’ll get hands-on experience working with your colleagues, improving your communication skills, and navigating daily work life in Barcelona. After work, you meet up with fellow interns and local friends at your favorite tapas bar in the city. Just another day at your Barcelona internship. 

“I’ll sum it up in one word…AMAZING. My semester wouldn’t have been what it was if I hadn’t interned and done a homestay. I got the opportunity to experience Barcelona for what it actually is...”
Catarina S. • University of Virginia • Barcelona – Internship

Boost Your Résumé with an Internship Abroad

With a full-time semester or summer internship, you're guaranteed an unpaid, for-credit internship placement of at least 32 hours a week in the field of your choice. Or complement your semester study abroad experience with a part-time internship. 

Learn More About IES Internships

“My internship was the most rewarding experience of my life.”
Abigail U. • Indiana University • London Summer – Internship

This Is the Start of Your Greatest Adventure

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