We are thrilled to share the incredible results of our IES Abroad Day of Giving! Thanks to the generosity and support of our amazing community, we achieved remarkable success together. Here's what we accomplished: 

  • 310 donors 
  • $352, 641 raised for scholarships, travel stipends, and student programs. 

This achievement wouldn't have been possible without every one of you—our dedicated donors, passionate alumni, committed staff, and supportive friends. Your contributions will profoundly impact the lives of our students, providing them with transformative study abroad experiences and helping shape the global leaders of tomorrow.

“Studying abroad in Cape Town, South Africa this past summer was an amazing experience of personal growth for me. I was able to immerse myself in a completely different culture and learned to conquer new challenges, develop a worldly perspective, and emerge in a journey of self-discovery. ”
Alexandra C. | IES Abroad Cape Town Summer 2023

Continuing the Journey Together

The Day of Giving might be over, but our mission continues. We are excited about the future and the many lives we will touch thanks to your generosity. Stay connected with us for updates on how your support is making a difference and ways to stay involved with IES Abroad.

From all of us at IES Abroad, thank you once again for your incredible support. Together, we are creating a brighter, more interconnected world.

Ways to Support

IES Abroad Cape Town


At IES Abroad, we believe that every student deserves the chance to experience the transformative power of studying abroad. However, financial barriers can often stand in the way. Your contribution to our scholarship fund opens doors for deserving students, providing them with the opportunity to explore new cultures, broaden their horizons, and develop crucial skills for success in an interconnected world.

students sitting on a bench decorated in mosaics in front of city back drop and setting sun

Student Programs

Financial aid for study abroad tuition is vital, but it is often not enough. This year, we are raising funds for comprehensive aid to help students fund the gap for books, fees, travel, and special experiences. This wrap-around support will ensure that our scholarship students get to take advantage of the full IES Abroad experience, without restriction.

My friend and I looking out into the Colosseum

Travel Stipends

For many students, the dream of studying abroad hinges on the availability of stipends to cover expenses such as airfare, visas, and cultural excursions. Your support enables us to offer stipends that bridge the gap between aspiration and reality, ensuring that financial constraints do not prevent talented individuals from embarking on life-changing study abroad experiences.

What Your Support Means

Your donations will directly provide financial aid to students who might not otherwise have the opportunity to study abroad and expand and enhance our range of study abroad programs to ensure every student finds the perfect fit.
Thank you for helping IES Abroad prepare students to become culturally competent and globally engaged citizens.


Our Student Correspondents Champion Study Abroad

2024 Day of Giving Toolkit

Find all you need to reach out to your IES Abroad classmates, friends, and family for #OpportunitIES Abroad Day of Giving!

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