The first few weeks in a new place is always challenging. Adapting to new surroundings, new ways of doing things, new routines and new faces is hard. Think back to your first week at college, and the overwhelming excitement laced with a little bit of apprehension. It’s okay - everyone feels this way! Accept the strangeness and realize that after a while it’ll be natural for you.
Once I memorized my buses and trams, I felt almost like a native because I didn’t even need my phone to get around. It’s a great feeling knowing that you’re familiar with the layout of the city and you can get to class at IES Abroad and at Nantes University like any other Nantais(e). That was my sort of "clicking moment" of feeling at home in a foreign country. You’ll have the same moment where you all of a sudden realize you’re no longer a visitor in but a resident of this amazing city.

Tyler Schmied
Hi, I'm Tyler! I'm an International Relations and French double major studying abroad in Nantes, France. I love to travel to new places and meet new people! In my spare time, I enjoy reading, hiking, watching movies, and biking.