In five days I prepare to make the transatlantic journey to Barcelona, Spain!! As the question of "are you ready to study abroad?" surfaces in every conversation I have with anyone, each time I get a little more nervous. I can't help but question what I was thinking when I signed up to leave my home university with all my involvement, close friends, success, and comfort for an entire semester. As I say goodbye to so many loved ones for almost four months, I continue to question whether I made the right decision.
As someone who has never been to Europe or even left the country, the idea of making my first journey for three and a half months is a bold move to say the least. As a black student, I have not been exposed to many of my black friends taking the leap to study abroad; making this an even more anxious journey.
However, when I question why I am setting myself up for this, I think about the beautiful architecture and landscape that Barcelona has to offer. I envision myself having memorable nights with my new friends from schools all over the country. I imagine heading to the beach after class on a Tuesday afternoon to play beach volleyball. I prepare to get on a plane after my last class on Thursday to explore different pockets of Europe's beauty. Most importantly, I think of the unknown opportunity that exists in a place I have yet to discover. With this discovery, I visualize the amazing friends, food, pictures, and memories that will accumulate throughout my time in Europe. And when I think about all of this, the nerves that circulate as a reaction to that repetitive question begin to settle in my excitement.

Shane Young
<p>I am a junior from Connecticut studying Finance, Africana Studies, and Economics. At the University of Connecticut, I am a consultant & the Director of Diversity in the UConn Consulting Group, VP of UConn FEC (teaching underprivileged elementary school students about financial literacy), President of the Club Basketball team, a practice player for the Women's Basketball team, a TA for the First Year Experience program, and a tutor for first-generation college students. In my free time, I enjoy playing basketball, working out, traveling to new places, having great conversations, discussing politics, reading, learning about and discussing injustice, and going out with my best friends and new people.</p>