With only 9 days left in Dublin, I’m starting to take special notice of the things I’m going to miss. For simplicity’s sake, here’s a quick list:
- Doing something new every day. – I’m never bored here. Every day I wake up and explore. It’s something I want to try to do more at home, because I think this might really be the secret to happiness. Fight boredom with everything you’ve got.
- The friends I’ve made. – Study abroad has been this weird, reality TV show reminiscent experience. Because we’ve been experiencing so many amazing things together, I’ve gotten to know the fellow IES students in 6 weeks more than I know some of my friends at home. Seeing them constantly for weeks means it’s nearly impossible to imagine life without them. Alas, most of them live across the country, so that’s something we’re all going to have to deal with.
- Beef and Guinness Stew. – This is truly Ireland’s number one attraction; I’m convinced.
- Cheap flights to other countries. – Seeing the world is easier in with this perk.
- Living in a city. – This is specific to me because I live in a tiny country town at home, but spending 6 weeks in Dublin has further convinced me that a city is where I belong.
- The teachers. – The staff here has been phenomenal. They’re helpful and understanding, enthusiastic and bright. I’ll genuinely miss them.
- The emphasis on tea. – I prefer tea to coffee. Life is easier here.
- The accents. – They’re charming. And I constantly get complimented here on my accent. That certainly doesn’t happen at home.
- The weather. – It is sweltering at home. Ireland has spoiled me.
I know there’s plenty more that I’ll miss, but that’s what I have for now. I just got an email about our IES “farewell meal.” Whoa. Time to go act weirdly angsty and walk around Dublin, reminiscing.
Until next time,

Schyler Martin
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Schyler is a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She's studying journalism and writing for the screen and stage. Basically, she really digs writing and television. She will argue to the death that "Lost" is the best show ever. She is also a lover of all things film, Stephen King, and Benedict Cumberbatch, and she's super psyched to explore all that Dublin has to offer.</span></p>