Hello, again,
Here’s another quick update. I’m incredibly busy as this is my last week here. I leave on Saturday. I can’t believe it.
Last weekend was probably my best yet. I went to Edinburgh, Scotland and fell completely in love with the city. Edinburgh is the coolest place I’ve ever been. It’s beautiful and romantic with its cobblestone streets and gorgeous old buildings. The people are lovely; the food is great. It’s got everything. If you go, I highly recommend going on a few ghost tours. If nothing else, go on the City of the Dead tour. It takes you underground into the vaults below the city, and it’s genuinely amazing. (And terrifying. I’ve been on a lot of ghost tours, but this one was something else.)
As I said, I leave on Saturday. I’m trying to figure out how to make the most of my remaining time here without having regrets about things that I might have missed. Yesterday I explored Dublin on my own. I had lunch and coffee, read in the park, did a bit of shopping, and saw a movie. I saw “Boyhood.” It was phenomenal. Please go see it. Overall, that day was one of my favorite days here so far. That’s something I’ve come to terms with while here. Every day doesn’t have to be explosive and exciting. Sometimes a quiet day alone is just what you need.
I feel like I could spend years here and still have things I haven’t gotten to yet. There’s so much that I want to see. For that reason, I’m trying not to stress myself out in this final week by cramming too many things into every day. I’m just trying to fully appreciate everything that I do find time for and make the most of every moment.
Until next time,

Schyler Martin
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Schyler is a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She's studying journalism and writing for the screen and stage. Basically, she really digs writing and television. She will argue to the death that "Lost" is the best show ever. She is also a lover of all things film, Stephen King, and Benedict Cumberbatch, and she's super psyched to explore all that Dublin has to offer.</span></p>