So it’s been pretty much exactly a month since I have arrived in Nantes and I can’t believe how fast time is flying by. It’s crazy to think that a month ago I was packing my bags and getting ready for an experience of a lifetime and now I am actually here and living out that experience. Everyday has been a new adventure and a new opportunity to learn the language and the culture. While some days are a bit more challenging than others I feel like I’m making good progress and believe that I have come a long way from where I began. I feel like I am able to understand more and more as each day passes and I am trying to let all of what I’m learning and experiencing to sink in but amidst all of the chaos and excitement of everyday life abroad, I haven’t really taken a moment to myself to sit down and breath and take it all in.
So, I decided to use this blog post as an opportunity to reflect on my first month abroad to see how much I have done and how much I have accomplished.
Within the past 4 and a half weeks, I have immersed myself in a new language and culture head on and couldn’t be happier. I have met a wonderful host family who have welcomed me with open arms and I’ve also met a pretty cool group of students through my program.
Within the past 30 days or so, I’ve ventured to the north-western coast of France to explore the region of Bretagne and I’ve even climbed to the top of Mont-Saint-Michel and walked along the ramparts of Saint Malo.
Within the past 720 hours, I’ve registered and begun classes (hard to believe that it’s already the end of week three!) and I have settled into the daily routine of being a student. I’ve also begun to explore (and get lost in) the city I’m beginning to call home.
And while a lot of time has already passed by, I can’t wait to see what the next couple months of adventures has in store because if they’re anything like the first 43,200 minutes, I think I’m going to like it here.

Sarina Klein
<p>Hello everyone! My name is Sarina and I from California but attend the University of Portland. I am currently studying Organizational Communications and French. I love to explore new places, whether that be a new country or a new coffee shop. Additionally, I love all things Disney and Harry Potter related and I am known for occasionally bursting out into song (especially camp songs). <o:p></o:p></p>