These past few weeks my Facebook newsfeed seems to be filled with links to different webpages containing all sorts of lists. These lists are quickly becoming a huge phenomenon that make reading faster and easier, which I guess is crucial to gauge the attention of a world engrossed in all forms of media. And so I decided to make my own list. I am currently half-way through my time here in Italy, and so this is the most appropriate time to really reflect on what I have learned thus far. So here are my top five lessons learned and/or experiences had.
- You have to be aggressive if you want to learn Italian in Italy. I have ample opportunities to use my Italian here, but more often than not, when Italians find out I’m American they want to try and practice their English with me. But I have learned to insist on being spoken to in Italian, which has done wonders for my language skills.
- Gelato. Gelato. Gelato. I am very much convinced that you can never ever have too much or enough gelato.
- Don’t walk by a church without going inside. There are so many beautiful churches here and every single one of them is different and beautiful in its own way. Every time I walk inside one I somehow always find myself feeling incredibly overtaken by the grandeur surrounding me.
- I am more independent and strong-willed than I often give myself credit for. No journey is without it’s struggles, and thus, of course I have experienced some of my own. But I have consistently surprised myself with how I have adjusted to life in Italy and how I have somehow managed to figure things out.
- The magic happens outside of one’s comfort zone. Being in Italy has certainly challenged me to step outside of myself and to take chances. I normally tend to shy away from either of these. But every time I have pushed myself to take a risk and go on an adventure, I have always been met with much growth. Learning isn’t always a comfortable thing to do, but it is always worth any discomfort that it may bring.

Natalie Reynoso
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Natalie Maria Reynoso and I am currently a junior at Wheaton College, Norton, MA where I study religion and psychology. I am a passionate Catholic and an avid reader and writer. I have always loved writing because it provides me with a way to better understand the world and my place in it.</span></p>