As I prepare to leave for Rome, I’m thinking about all that I gained during my previous study abroad experience. Over the summer, I worked and studied in London, England, and I learned so much.
When people think about going abroad, they expect the new foods, museums, usually a different time zone. But in London, I learned things I would never think to anticipate. For example, several days ago, in an episode of Downton Abbey that took place in London, I recognized most of the references - like St. James’s Park, the East End. None of them flew over my head. And I now feel comfortable navigating large cities, even public transportation - no small feat for someone who lives closer to a llama farm than a train station.
I’m so excited to learn in Rome. To meet up with friends at one fountain or another. To fall in love with a cafe because they play the best music, and because you can read there for hours. I want to go to cities that I have yet to learn about, and to memorize their town squares in perfect detail.
It’s such a funny feeling, the few weeks before an experience that you know will shape you and change you. I’ve never been to Italy, I know virtually no Italian (mi dispiace), and I won’t know anybody in Rome or on my program. As excited as I am, I am also incredibly nervous. It’s hard not knowing what’s ahead.
A list of anxieties:
Holidays, birthdays, etc.: I’ve never been away from home for so long. I’m going to be away for some of my favorite holidays, including the Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Thanksgiving. Plus my birthday and my best friends’ birthdays.
Packing: Too much, too little. I own far too much outerwear. How will I get dressed every morning without the comfort of three different jean jackets to try on?
Friends: I hope I make them - I’m not so great at ice breakers.
Despite my fears, though, I can’t wait to be in Rome and to write about my experiences.
Thanks for reading. Check back here to keep up with my travels. I can almost guarantee stories involving tripping (over nothing) in public, eating one too many cannolis, and getting lost a block away from my destination. Plus, my grandpa will try to use his iPad to read these blogs, so you’ll be in good company.

Naomi Farahan
<p>Born and raised in Indiana. Very likely to ask, “if you could eat anything right now, what would it be?” at the wrong times. Join me as I write my way through Italy!</p>