Poems for the Cold Weather: Chicken Noodle Soup

Melissa Shaiman
December 20, 2019
Snowy scene in the Swiss Alps

Chicken Noodle Soup


The afternoon was rather sunny 

but there was a harsh wind blowing 

and the sneaky creepy cold found its way into my bones,

seizing my warmth and my cheer.


So I sipped from the soup in my bowl, and 

the broth banished any chill, it’s warmth 

seeping through my 

cup and the cardboard

ring trying 

to contain it,


into my hands and down my throat,

branching out along the bronchi of my 

lungs loosening 

the rigid, mangled 

spaghetti of my spirit


softening it, 

until my cold grimace became a warm smile too.

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Melissa Shaiman

<p>If I could be anywhere, I’d be by the seaside. In my free time I love to write poetry and go on new adventures! As a Geography and International Affairs major, I’m fascinated with the relationship between people, society, and their environment. I don’t know what I want to do after graduation, but I look forward to figuring it out!</p>

Home University:
George Washington University, The
Huntington, NY
International Relations
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