On The Daily

Matt Boey
March 1, 2016

Dear Internet,

Though this is usually the point in my posts where I attempt to introduce some vague lesson/insight from my most recent travels, my time in the European Parliament in  Strasbourg, France, and my personal adventure to Munich, Germany (see pictures below), have left me with more political revelations than I'm comfortable with divulging. Instead of jumping into that lava pit, I've opted instead to focus on the days when we're not trekking across Europe and taking selfies at every available national landmark.

After awakening to the tornado siren I've currently selected as an alarm for my phone, mornings are a relatively quiet affair. Quietly slipping out of my dorm, it's off to the bakery to pick up the morning croissant and assortment of other sugary pastries to hold me over throughout the day. Living on the far edge of the world, my main choice is to zip by in the warmth of the local tram. However,when the weather is good or I'm feeling unusually determined, I'll attempt to ride my bike from home to school in the hope staving off guilt from the future pastries and dangerously high blood sugar. 

Upon arriving at the IES Abroad Center, the day quickly becomes a blur of classes, homework, studying, downing bottomless amounts of coffee from the student kitchen, and the occasional nap. Most days, classes start at 9 or 10:45 a.m. and usually go about 5 or 6 p.m, with lunch and various other breaks lodged in-between. The days are long, but the friends are good and the coffee is free, so I suppose I can call it even. 

Once class is over, the main priority is almost always dinner, usually supplemented by cereal spaghetti, omelette, rice and beans, and the other basic food groups for college students. However, eating out in Freiburg is never a bad option both for the palate or the wallet. My personal obsession since our arrival here has been Döner, a Turkish sandwich/wrap that I can only assume translates into "heaven"for your taste buds. Following dinner and a night of readings, readings, and more readings, is a well-deserved 7-hour sleep before getting ready for the next day. 

Tune in next week as I recount the story of how I found five dollars.


Matt Boey

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Matt Boey

<p>Known as Matthew, Matthias, Mateo, Boom, and occasionally Rug, Matt Boey is a sophomore journalism and political science major with minors in tomfoolery and shenanigans. A native of Wisconsin, he currently attends Loyola University Chicago. Beyond writing or very strong coffee, Matt loves playing piano, theater, Zumba, singing in the shower, and people.</p>

Home University:
Loyola University Chicago
Political Science
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