Three years ago when I came to Italy for the first time, I was amazed by the city of Rome and knew that I had to return in the future. I threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, wishing to return. Exactly three years later to the day, I was throwing another coin in the Trevi Fountain.
Rome has always struck me as a unique city. It’s a center of history, art, religion, and culture. Throughout my life I learned about Rome in school. I saw it in pictures and dreamed of going there. Seeing it the first time was incredible, but seeing it the second time was just as special.
One of my favorite places in Rome that we visited was the Pantheon and the piazza in front of it. Sitting in the piazza, just enjoying the sun and watching all the people who passed by was one of the most enjoyable moments of my trip. One of the best things you can do while traveling is to sit and observe the people. It can give you a glimpse into the life of another person and make you think about different ways of life around the world.
My favorite part of Rome however, is not actually in Rome, it is in Vatican City, which is a technically a separate country. The Sistine Chapel, which can be seen on a tour of the Vatican Museums, is one of the most beautiful pieces of art in the world. It is inspirational beyond description and has the power to make you reflect on yourself. Looking at that incredible piece of art made me realize that if a human can paint the frescos in the Sistine Chapel, I am capable of achieving great things. No, I will never be a world famous artist unfortunately, but I am capable of learning Italian no matter how hard it is. I’m capable of pushing myself to be a better human overall.
So I guess that the reason why I love Rome so much is because of its ability to affect people. It inspired me and continues to remind me that I have the ability to achieve what I never thought was possible. Rome has given me the opportunity to better understand the past and the present. Rome will always hold a special place in my heart.

Kristina Azevedo
<p>I'm a sophomore from George Washington University majoring in Communications and minoring in Italian and Journalism. I love traveling, art, and food. I am so excited to share my experiences with you, especially my quest for the best bread in Italy.</p>