Pasqua (Easter)

Jocelyn Wu
April 18, 2013


Per la Pasqua, sono andata a Santa Margherita Ligure con la mia famiglia italiana. È una città portuale che è anche una famosa meta turistica per gli italiani del Nord. Era facile capire perché: il mare è stupendo, l’aria è fresca, e la focaccia è la più buona che abbia mai mangiato. Posso solo immaginare quanto fantastico sarebbe in estate.

A quanto pare, gli italiani non fanno molto per la Pasqua, tranne che non vanno a scuola/lavoro, vanno alla Messa, e mangiano moltissimo. Non c’è male per nulla!


For Easter, my host family and I went to Santa Margherita Ligure, a port city in Northwest Italy. It is a popular vacation destination for Northern Italians, and once I got there, it was easy to see why: the sea is gorgeous, the air is fresh, and the focaccia is the best I’ve ever had. I can only imagine how wonderful it is in the summer.

It turns out that Italians don’t actually do much for Easter except take time off school/work, go to Mass, and eat a lot. Not bad at all!

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Jocelyn Wu

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Jocelyn Wu lived in sunny California for 18 years before relocating to Ithaca, NY to study apparel design at Cornell University. She is currently a junior. She strives to design innovative, functional, and enduring clothing that elicits an emotional connection with the wearer. Her dream is to become a &quot;people&#39;s designer&quot;: far from the realms of both luxury and fast fashion, serving those in the average population who understand that clothing is meant to be cherished for years beyond a single season. When she isn&#39;t in the studio, Jocelyn likes to knit, study foreign languages, journal, cook, bike, play the guitar, run, and wash dishes, occasionally (somewhat) simultaneously.</span></p>

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