Today marks the end of my first week in Freiburg! It’s surreal to think I left the comforts of America for Europe such a short time ago, but here I am, at my new desk, in my newly decorated digs, procrastinating.
My intensive German course began yesterday at the University, which looks more like a museum than any academic building I’ve ever encountered. It’s beautiful, but four and a half hours of German even in the most remarkable space is quite the undertaking. As I refamiliarize myself with the foundations of the language, I recognize just how much I have to learn.
The best analogy I’ve likened my experience to is purchasing a new pair of boots. I’ve been interested in buying these boots for a long time. I love the way they look, I love the way the leather smells, and I want these boots to be a staple in my closet, but they’re pricey. Now that I am in Germany, I have the money to buy the boots (in this case, I am in the best place to actually learn German), but I get the boots home, wear them out one night, and suddenly realize just how uncomfortable they are. My feet in this analogy are blistered, tired, and achey.
For the first time in my life, I feel floored by my inability to express myself verbally… that is never the case in English, as I am quite the talker. But, as the analogy goes, I will get thicker socks and keep on trekking. I am making the commitment to stay positive about my German language skills, or lack thereof. Today, I ordered a scoop, or Kugel, of ice cream. Here’s to learning… hopefully, it always ends with something as tasty as Quarkeis!
On top of my lunch time ice cream treat, I celebrated the end of the first week at a Biergarten. I didn’t have it in me to hike to the top of the Schlossbergturm today, but the views from the Kastaniengarten were incredible. The city of Freiburg at dusk is like nothing I’ve seen before. The beer isn’t too shabby, either! A 0,5 L Pils vom Fass with Weißwurst mit Brezel? Not too shabby for a Wednesday evening. Then, we stopped by Schlappen, the oldest bar in Freiburg. It’s such a great, warm space with incredible music. German bars definitely deliver some jams on the loudspeakers… Paper Planes by MIA stuck out tonight.
But, now, after a long day, I should finish up my homework and get some shut eye.

Haley Wilhelm
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hallo! I am Haley Wilhelm, a Junior at Scripps College from the Midwest. I enjoy reading, writing, traveling, and most of all, eating! I can't wait to explore all that Freiburg has to offer, as well as many other European cities during my academic year abroad.</span></p>