Choosing the best moments from my time in Quito is incredibly difficult, but here is my attempt at choosing some of the most memorable.
The Famous Gaston: Yes, the USFQ campus has a pig! And he is sooo pampered. We even got to walk him, but he’s not a very good walker and won’t move once he finds a patch of grass he likes.

Visiting Downtown: We had the opportunity to venture up to the top of a church in Quito to get an awesome overlook of the city. Snapped this picture of our advisor with the large array of colors of the city behind her.

Teleferico Swing and Hike: The swing was so incredibly beautiful and peaceful. The hike on the other hand, is not something you should do before acclimating to Quito’s high elevation. We made it pretty far up, but many of us opted to descend earlier due to headaches. Nonetheless, the hike was so beautiful and you felt like you were on top of the world.

Goofy Times: Many of us took a trip to a huge waterfall, and while relaxing I found a leaf or branch and decided to bend it in half and realized it looked like a mustache, so I tried it on! My friends saw me and couldn’t help but find their own pieces. Goofy moments call for a photo, especially when in front of a spectacular waterfall!

Candid in Cloud Forest: While I was waiting for the perfect moment to capture a picture of a hummingbird, my friend snapped this candid picture of me with the mountainous cloud forest in the background.

The Curious Tayra: A new animal that I have never seen before! Tayras are quite curious but are spooked by noises and movement. In this area, they will ALWAYS come to the smell of a banana.

Look!: My friend couldn’t help but take this picture of us all looking at a bird at the same time. This was during our Amazon trip which I have another whole blog about!

¡Si Se Puede!: We all decided that we had to go out to buy jersey’s when we found out that Quito’s national soccer team was playing at home against Peru!

Horses in the Páramo: Horseback riding for 2 hours in the Páramo! We all had a great time and the ponchos provided kept us quite warm.

Faith Yost
Hi! I'm from Pennsylvania and I've always wanted to travel the world while sharing my experiences with others! I love being outdoors, including hiking, camping, or going to the beach. I'm excited to explore the natural world and culture in Ecuador!