
Evagelia Analitis
April 8, 2015

I am taking the internship class here and I highly recommend it. I would describe is as an independent study with class meetings to share and discuss progress in each company. I was very excited to see that IES sets everyone up with something that interests them. There are people working in sports, politics, art, and other intriguing areas. I am working in the city at a gallery. The name of the Gallery is Galeria Gabriela Mistral. She is a very famous writer and poet from Chile. There are many museums, galleries, and streets named after her. I had originally thought I was working in a museum and expected this building to be much bigger. But, I am very happy with the gallery. It has just enough space to display one exhibition at a time. Today is my first day. I will be working in the archives, as well as dismounting and mounting expositions. This gallery is geared towards a specific type of artist. Most of the artists who display their work in the gallery are young. They have a focus on contemporary art. It is a free public museum that is funded by the government. I have noticed that the culture in Chile is much more open to artists and the freedom of artistic expression. In my opinion, some artists are looked down upon in the United States because people feel that it is not a substantial job. Here, in Chile that is not the case. Art is considered part of being human and I could not agree more. This week, we are taking down the exhibition that is currently here. I am excited to learn the process of setting up an exposition in a gallery. Here is a link to where I will be working -

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Evagelia Analitis

<p>I am twenty years old from Chicago, Illinois. I am passionate about learning, travel, books, writing poetry, and taking pictures. I am always looking for a new experience. My goal is to be open-minded throughout my life. I am inspired by the ability to express myself and who I truly am through my creative work.&nbsp;</p>

Home University:
Illinois Wesleyan University
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