Museums and Tests and Travel, Oh My!

Erika Coy
June 6, 2017

Another week down! It’s so crazy how quickly time is going. Since the last time I wrote, I feel like I have done a million things. I went to the Narrenturm, took a weekend trip to Prague, took my first German test, and booked a weekend trip to Salzburg!

The Narrenturm was an odd experience, but in the best way possible. It was only €2 to go and we had access to the whole first floor. The Narrenturm was built in 1784 and used to be a Psychiatric Hospital, but now is the home of a Pathologic-Anatomical Museum. Where there used to be rooms now house displays of various diseases, operation rooms, tools, and even a mortuary. It was interesting because there were wax displays of what these diseases look like in real life. I, personally, found this to be interesting, but I could definitely see where some people would not like it. To me it was absolutely worth the money and even though a lot of the descriptions were in German, I feel like I learned a lot.

My weekend trip to Prague was AMAZING. I don’t think there is a word in the English language that could be used to describe how beautiful Prague is. Two of my friends and I stayed there for 3 days, 2 nights and we did all that we could in that short amount of time. When we arrived on Friday, we checked into our hostel and got acquainted with the city, which was actually sort of difficult because they speak Czech in Prague, so we couldn’t understand any of the signs. (One of my friends speaks German, so in Vienna if I get confused I could ask her, but not in Prague.) We walked around for a few hours, but made it an early night because we had been up since 4:00AM. The next morning we were up for free breakfast at our hostel, and a free walking tour. The walking tour took us around the new and old parts of Prague, stopping at various synagogues and monuments. We got a little bit of a history lesson along the way also. After the three hour tour, we decided to make the trek up to the Prague Castle. It was definitely a journey, but it was so worth it! The views from the castle were beautiful. The castle was beautiful. It was all beautiful. After walking around the castle and its gardens, we walked back down the mountain to find somewhere to eat dinner. After dinner we continued to roam around for a while, then eventually made our way back to the hostel since we had to check out early the next morning. At the end of the day on Saturday, we had walked 14 miles, so we deserved a good night’s sleep.

After my weekend in Prague, I sadly had to get back to my school routine. Tuesday I had my first German test. I studied hard for it on the bus to and from Prague and a little on Monday also, so I felt pretty good about it. We don’t have our grades back yet, but I’m anxious to see how it comes out.

When I finished my German test, I met up with a couple friends to book my next trip! We decided to take a day trip this weekend to Salzburg. For those that don’t know, Salzburg is where The Sound of Music was filmed. We are only spending a day there, so hopefully we can see all there is to see in such a short amount of time. Those same friends and I also planned a trip to the Sigmund Freud Museum for tomorrow, so we will have a busy few days.

That’s all I’ve been up to this week. Make sure to check up on the blog next week for updates about my trip to the Freud Museum, Salzburg, and my weekend in Vienna, exploring all it has to offer!


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Erika Coy

<p>Hi everyone! My name is Erika Coy and I am so exciting to be blogging for IES Abroad. Let me tell you about myself. My hobbies include going places I have never been and doing things I have never done, and I also enjoy crossword puzzles. I am outgoing and love sharing my experiences with everyone. Happy reading!</p>

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