I decided to document how I was feeling the night before leaving for my study abroad program. As you can tell, I wasn't feeling great. I was overwhelmed with anxiety and fear that this experience was not going to be for me. I was scared to leave my family, freinds, a familiar language, and my schedule. I knew I would have fun once I arrived, but there was no way to convince myself of this at the time. Everything felt like I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life. Little did that terrified girl back in January know that she was about to have the best four months of her life.
It's hard looking back at the anxiety-ridden girl crying in her room the night before leaving her whole life behind, but I am so grateful I documented that. Now, it provides me with a reference. Whenever I am scared to step out of my comfort zone, embark on a new adventure, or even make a hard decision, I can look back at this video. It turned out that all the things I was most worrried about became the things that I loved the most. Speaking the French language, making new friends, learning through a new educational system, and exploring and growing in foreign surroundings. This video only shares a few beautiful moments that encapsulaate the joy that was my IES Abroad study abroad experience. Every day was a new adventure and a new learning experience.
I have one more blog post in which I will discuss why I think everyone should study abroad if they have the opportunity and my thoughts after finishing the program. Thanks for sticking with my over these few months, stay tuned for one more!

Emily Macdonald
<p>Hi everyone!! My name is Emily MacDonald and I am studying abroad in Nantes, France with the French Language Immersion program. I am an Elementary Education major with a French minor. I love singing and acting, working with kids, eating desserts, watching live theatre, and spending time with the people I love. Spread kindness and positivity . . . YOU matter!</p>