First Time Out of America

Caitlin Hartley
May 21, 2013


First, let me start off my introducing myself a little. My name is Caitlin Hartley, and I am a senior in the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida. I love my school more than anything, and Iā€™m profusely proud to be a Gator. I am minoring in French language, and have been taking French since middle school, which brings me to wear I will be traveling this summer.

On May 28 I will set out for Paris, France. This will be my first time leaving America (unless you count going to Canada for a few days once when I was very young, which I donā€™t). I am so immensely excited, I just might explode with happiness. It has always been a dream of mine to travel, and Paris has always been the No. 1 desitination on my list.

My older sister of two years, Mya, was lucky enough to experience Europe when she was a senior in high school. Her senior trip was spent in Englad and France, and she came back with so many great memories. I was so excited to have that same experienceā€¦I just needed to wait two years, and then I would be walking the streets of grand ole Par-ee! However, as soon as my sister graduated, my father got a new job, which meant moving to a new school, and no senior trip to Europe for me. Well, now instead of being a senior in high school, Iā€™m now a senior in college, and instead of two weeks, I get 6!

Iā€™ve never wanted something more, and I am so happy that my dream is finally coming true. Iā€™ve got to say, while Iā€™m overly excited for this trip of a lifetime, I would be lying to you if I wasnā€™t a littler nervous. This trip will be a lot of firsts for me. First time on a plane by myself, first time out of America, and the first time living with someone other than friends or family. However, I have emailed my host mother, and she seems very nice, and Iā€™m very excited to meet her! Iā€™m hoping to gain a lot of independence out of this trip. Iā€™m hoping to grow as a person, as corny as that may sound! So, join me on my trip to the City of Lights! I will be writing as often as I can to let you know about my new experiences on this amazing adventure!


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Caitlin Hartley

<div><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Caitlin, and I&#39;m 20 years old, but I will turn 21 this June (when I&#39;ll be in Paris)! I&#39;m super stoked about my trip this summer. I&#39;m a journalism major at the University of Florida and I&#39;m attaining my minor in French Language. I am hoping this trip will really advance my growth in the speaking aspect of the language. I love love love sports. I grew up going to football games with my family. Go Gators! This will be my first trip out of the U.S., but I&#39;ve never been so excited for something in my entire life. I love writing and eating, and I know this will be a great opportunity for me. I hope you will enjoy my blog!</span></div>

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