You can't go to Dublin if you haven't read James Joyce

Anna Ortega
May 30, 2017

My name is Anna Ortega, and in one week I leave for Dublin, Ireland. I study History and Folklore at Indiana University. Some fun facts about me: I’m bilingual, I recently watched all of “That 70’s Show”, and currently I can’t stop listening to Princess Nokia. As I get closer to and closer to my departure, I’m becoming an odd mix of excited anticipation and straight up fear. There are many things that I’m looking forward to—the architecture, getting to explore Dublin, living with new people—but I am also nervous about traveling alone, possibly getting lost, and being so far away from home. Until recently the trip has seemed far away, but now that I’ve received my housing assignments, I know who my roommates will be, it feels very close. It is all so tangible now, which more than anything makes me anxious to get traveling so I can just be there already! Maybe now to pass the time I’ll actually read “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” by James Joyce. I feel like I can’t live in Dublin if I haven’t read it, I can’t be a fake fan like that.

In preparing for my trip I can’t stop thinking about food. I’m not sure what to expect. I have been totally spoiled these last few weeks at home. As my dad keeps reminding me, I probably won’t be eating quality Mexican food while I’m studying abroad. In an almost panic I messaged a friend of mine who lives in London if they do in fact sell hot Cheetos over there? Though I felt incredibly silly asking, at least now I know I’ll be able to eat something that reminds me of home.

Getting everything together seems so tedious. Important but tedious. I know that I am going to procrastinate packing. Hopefully this will limit my tendency to over pack. Dear Anna, please don’t bring a pair of shoes just because “you never know”.  Dear Anna, remember ONE jean jacket is fine, you really don’t need the whole collection because “you never know”.

Over all, I’m ready to go! My fear of flying is not going to stop me! My anxieties about getting lost are not going to hold me back from having the best experience I can. Right now, what I am looking forward to the most is simply starting the adventure. Once I’ve gotten stared, I’ll be able to think about everything else, but right now, I’m just ready to begin.

Anna Ortega

<p>Hi! My name Anna! I study history and folklore at Indiana University. I&#39;m a young chicana who loves hot Cheetos. My favorite holiday is Halloween because I&#39;ve always been a spooky kid at heart!</p>

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