Rain, Rain, Go Away.

Alzebeth Roman
July 11, 2014

It’s been an incredibly rainy week here in Freiburg.

The gray clouds started rolling in around Saturday and made Freiburg their home early Monday morning. It’s been cold, wet, and icky. As such, I haven’t really done much of anything my last week in Freiburg… There’s been a lot of Netflix, some (European) Football – see more below-, food, and classes… a pretty normal week for me when the weather has me stuck indoors.

Classes are almost over, this was our last full week and once we get back from Turkey, it’ll be time for finals and term papers. My goal is to have some of the term papers done this weekend so that I don’t have to stress out so much once I get back to Freiburg.

Some exciting news is that I watched the Germany v. Brazil game at one of my favorite local places – O’Kelly’s Irish Pub. Most of the staff speaks English, but it’s a hit for a bunch of local university students as well as Americans in the area while serving some great German food (and beverages)! The game was absolutely INSANE. I don’t think I will ever forget how the entire city of Freiburg exploded after the third, fourth, and then fifth goals. I felt so bad for Brazil because Germany had the game won at thirty minutes. After the game, it was time for me to reunite with my bed despite the fireworks and apparent city-wide party happening.

Also, last week some members in the study abroad group got together and did a mini 4th of the July BBQ complete with American flags, burgers, and cupcakes!

I’m getting ready to pack my things for Turkey since we leave like… tomorrow. I’m so excited to be in Istanbul and Izmir – the opportunity to travel to such a historical place has me way too giddy.

Sorry for the “bleh”, almost random, posts lately – there just hasn’t been much going on here in Freiburg. It’s not bad though, I really enjoy the simple things and I can say I’ve made a little home for myself here!

For those who are hoping for more details, I’m sure my adventures in Turkey will be well-documented and full of excitement! For now, enjoy the pictures below of the group’s mini-July 4th celebration, food, and rainy Freiburg!

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Alzebeth Roman

<div><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Alzebeth Roman and I am currently a Senior at North Carolina State University in Raleigh studying Accounting with minors in International Studies and Political Science. This summer, I will be studying abroad in Freiburg, Germany learning about the politics of the EU and its&#39; neighbors. This is only my second time traveling out of the United States and my first time in Europe. In my spare time, I love service, reading, swimming, dancing, napping, and writing which I plan to do in my free time while abroad!</span></div>

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