My Milano Bucket List

Abby Grinberg
April 21, 2017

As hard as it is to believe, my time in Milan is quickly coming to an end. This semester flew by quicker than the last and I can't believe I'll be having to say goodbye in less than two months. During my final weeks in this city that never fails to grab my attention, I plan to do all the things that I kept putting off, thinking that I had so much time to do them all. It's time to become a tourist and accomplish this bucket list before it's too late! 

1. Go inside the Duomo on a Sunday    

Climbing to the top was incredible, but going inside is just as necessary, and stepping in during a church service is supposedly a magical experience.

2. Have a picnic at the top of Monte Stella

This is an artificial hill/park where athletes come to train and on a clear day has a beautiful view of Milan and the Alps from the top. Not a bad place to bring dinner and watch the sunset.

3. Visit Treinalle

Treinalle is an art and design museum that always has many cool exhibitions and installations. It's also not far from IES Abroad, located in Parco Sempione, so it's about time that I paid it a visit.

4. Try Spontini's pizza

I have no excuse for not eating at this famous pizzeria yet, but they do say its important to save the best for last...

5. Visit the Central Synagogue

Among the many churches in Milan, there stands a synagogue opened in 1892. Unfortunately, much of it was destroyed during World War II. However, it has been reconstructed since and is known for its beautiful stained glass windows.

6. Go to Platform 21

Hidden under Centrale, Platform 21 was the starting point for hundreds of people being deported to concentration camps during the Holocaust. Today the area below the train tracks has been turned into a Holocaust memorial. 

7. Walk through the 10 Corso Como store

I may not be able to afford anything here, but it's a shopping experience that puts all other high-end department stores to shame.

8. Day trip to Parco del Ticino

Located just outside of Milan, this park attracts many during the warmer months and offers a wide variety of outdoor activities such as biking, hiking and swimming. It's the perfect place to escape into nature.

9. Spend an afternoon in the tulip field

Italians no longer have to travel to Holland to visit the iconic tulip fields. This spring, Milan opened up its first tulip field, showcasing 250,000 tulips that visitors can pick and take home. Up until May, the tulips will be in full bloom so now is just the right time to go.

10. Visit Pirelli HangarBicocca

Originally a locomotive factory, the space was turned into a large exhibition hall that is now used as a contemporary art center with the goal of bringing "art to the people". Exhibitions from famous artists, as well as cultural events are held here and access to the space is completely free.

11. Check out Acquario Civico

From the outside, it would be impossible to guess that this building hidden inside Parco Sempione is actually an aquarium - not to mention the third oldest in Europe. Built for the World Fair that Milan hosted in 1906, this is the only standing building from the event. It's not quite as large as SeaWorld, but does have over 100 different types of underwater life and entry is also free an hour before closing time.

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Abby Grinberg

Abigail is our 2016-17 IES Abroad Blogger of the Year! Abigail studies Economics and International Studies with a minor in Business Administration at Brandeis University—where she is also an IES Abroad Ambassador. As a Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 Blogger, Abigail illustrated her year abroad in Milan through her insightful posts and candid photography that navigated her growth in the historical city of Milan. 



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