Have you ever wondered what it’s like to study abroad during the summer? Look no further than our summer cohort of 57 student Correspondents! Follow along as they share their adventures from IES Abroad Centers around the globe abroad through photos, videos, blog posts, social media, and more! 

Representing 37 different colleges and universities, these students will document their authentic study abroad and internship experiences in real time while abroad. Their content is sure to make you laugh, learn something new, and consider hopping on a plane ASAP.

Across the board, you'll also find IDEA (Initiative to Diversity Education Abroad) Correspondents, giving insights on how different aspects of their identity intersect with their lives abroad. We’re also excited to share about our new Content Creator role: five students who will create unique, behind-the-scenes videos you'll see popping up on our Instagram and TikTok.

Regardless of Correspondent type, these students are here to share all of their adventures so you can feel inspired and ready to embark on your own as well. 

Browse through the blogs, peep the #IESabroad Instagram feed and our TikTok, or simply keep scrolling to learn a little bit more about who the Correspondents are and where they'll be spending their summer.