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PO/IR 323 - Germany And The European Integration Process

This course is a study of the various aspects, policies and levels of the political structures, formation, and development of the European Union, as well as of Germany’s role in the process of the European Integration. Special emphasis will be put on the analysis of the political challenges that lie ahead. Why is Germany an essential part of the equation? Why is the rest of Europe looking towards Germany for leadership? Students will be introduced to key players like the European Council, European Parliament, other EU institutions and their German equivalents. With the newfound insight into these institutions the students will be able to investigate the European Integration Process from different angles: the German, European and also the transatlantic perspective.

In general, students will develop both intercultural awareness and competencies, including a fresh perspective on the students’ home country, as well as a deeper understanding of the history and the political processes of the European Integration Process plus future challenges.

The course wants to encourage the participants to think “out of the box” and to analyse on their own the substance, the background and the future of the complex European Integration Process, basing their judgments on academic debate, key documents, basic facts and first-hand reliable information sources.

The above objectives will be achieved by an effective mixture of teaching and learning techniques, including class room lectures and discussions, role play, independent study, and first-hand experience on a field trip (including personal encounters with EU officials).

Course Information


International Relations
Political Science

Term(s) Offered:




Language of instruction:


Contact Hours:


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