Shanghai: Adventures Out of My Comfort Zone—Our Blog Post of the Week

IES Abroad
February 27, 2015

While many of our Spring 2015 students are a few weeks into their study abroad programs, some are just getting started on their adventures. After a 14-hour flight, Adam Dalton (Shanghai, Spring 2015), wasted no time in immersing himself into life in China.

Shortly after landing, he put his Chinese language skills to use for the first time by successfully ordering a meal at the airport. Then, in a valiant attempt to be frugal, Adam decided to navigate the Shanghai subway system from the airport to his dorm, with only a subway map to guide him. (It should be noted that Adam had never been outside of the United States. He also had two bags in tow.) His story, our Blog Post of the Week, describes his impressive first hours abroad. Read it here

This term, we have 35 student bloggers worldwide sharing their study abroad experiences. Find out more about what our students all over the world are currently up to in our blogs.

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