Security Alert Update

In light of last night’s announcement that U.S. special forces have killed Osama Bin Laden in a raid on his home in Pakistan, there may be anti-American protests and demonstrations in some international locations. This development also could potentially trigger terrorist acts against U.S. or allied targets around the world.

All IES Abroad international staff have advised IES Abroad 2011 students to:

• Avoid all protests and demonstrations as they can easily turn violent
• Keep a low profile and avoid wearing clothing that obviously identifies them as American
• Avoid spending time at or near potential U.S. targets (e.g., U.S. Embassies and Consulates, as well as bars, clubs, restaurants and other establishments known to be frequented by American tourists or U.S. military personnel) as much as feasible
• Remain alert to their surroundings at all times and walk away at the first signs of trouble (e.g., protests, crowds gathering, suspicious persons or packages, etc.), reporting the same to authorities after they have left the area
• Log all of their travel into our online Travel Tracker system
• Monitor media reports on an ongoing basis
• Keep their cell phones fully charged, turned on, and with them at all times, responding immediately to calls, texts, or emails from their IES Abroad center staff.

You can view the U.S. State Department’s new travel alert issued today at

The IES Abroad Crisis Management Team is continuing to monitor this international situation and will provide students, parents, and study abroad advisors with updated information, if necessary.

Please contact IES Abroad at 800.995.2300 if you have any questions or concerns.

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