Meet the Jury - Mara Perbellini

Jill Kruidenier
March 27, 2014

In this month's Meet the Jury feature, we invite you to learn more about the ultra-talented scriptwriter and IES Abroad Milan faculty member, Mara Perbellini.

Mara Perbellini
Script Writer & Story Analyst
IES Abroad Milan Faculty – Film Studies

Q: Which of your film-related accomplishments do you feel the most proud of?

A: I am very proud of a prime-time mini-series that I wrote, “La vita che corre” (for channel RAI 1) which, in neorealistic fashion, deals with the pressing problems and social issues of our time: the victims of car crashes in our streets, especially young adults who risk their lives in the pursuit of a distorted idea of happiness.

In the picture you can see director Fabrizio Costa (on the right) and protagonist Flavio Parenti (also in “Io sono l’amore”, nominated for best foreign film at the Golden Globes, and in the cast of “To Rome with Love” by W. Allen).

Q: What advice would you give to young filmmakers today?

A: I’d suggest to always have a personal connection to the material you want to write or shoot about. Always remember that each story you tell (whether it is on screen, on stage or on paper) says something about your values and beliefs and answers a big philosophical question that takes us back to Aristotle: How should a human being live his life? Never forget the responsibility of giving an hypothesis of an answer to that fundamental question.

Q: What is your favorite documentary? And why?

A: “Bowling for Columbine” by Michael Moore, for his courage to show and discuss what most people prefer to hide and forget. In his words: “I don't compromise my values and I don't compromise my work. That's why I've been kicked from one network to the next: I won't give in."

Q: How would you condense the spirit of study abroad into one word?

A: Journey.

It seems obvious, but the concept of a journey includes a lot of interesting things, because a journey can be transformational, emotional, intellectual, physical…

Visit our Film Festival Jury page to read additional interviews!

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Jill Kruidenier

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