IES Abroad Annouces New Study Turkey Program for Fall 2013

Prepare to be enchanted by the sights and sounds of Istanbul—our new Study Turkey Program begins Fall 2013!

Istanbul is a dynamic city that resides in both Europe and Asia, separated only by the Bosphorus, a strait linking the Aegean Sea with the Sea of Marmora. Istanbul is an excellent location to study the recent rise of contemporary Turkey as a regional economic and political power, along with the economic, cultural, religious, and historical influence Turkey has had on central Asia, the Middle East, the Balkans, the Black Sea region, and North Africa.

Our new semester and academic-year programs will be located in central Istanbul, and feature direct enrollment options at Sabanci University, as well as additional partner university options to be announced in the future. As one of Turkey’s leading research universities, Sabanci is a small, elite, private liberal arts university that is highly competitive in admission. All instruction at Sabanci is in English.

Sabanci has three faculties, Engineering and Natural Sciences, Arts and Social Sciences, and the School of Management, which provide great academic opportunities for students studying Humanities, Social Sciences, Engineering, and Business. The School of Management is one of three Management schools in Turkey accredited by AACSB, and the only one in Istanbul that offers all instruction in English. The engineering school is a candidate for ABET accreditation. Ninety percent of the faculty members at Sabanci University have Ph.D.s in the United States and most others have Ph.D.s from Western European countries. Visit for more information.

While in Istanbul, you will have the opportunity to live in a student residence halls or in a homestay.

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