Its been a few weeks since I’ve posted about traveling, I’ve been so busy between classes/midterms and being away almost every weekend, I feel like I have way to much to post for right now! I actually miss Milan a lot and kinda wish I had more weekends here, but I’m not about to complain about traveling so much. So far I still have to post about Copenhagen, Budapest, and Amsterdam..I guess I’ll start with Copenhagen. Me and a few friends went to Denmark for Sensation White (an indoor dance music event), and surprisingly Copenhagen was my favorite out of every city (wrote this before visiting Amsterdam…). Except the cold, I loved everything about it. The city itself was so clean and the people were so friendly, it overall seemed like it would’ve been an amazing place to study. Compared to other cities where I feel like I have to keep my arm over my bag, Copenhagen was by far the safest, I don’t think anyone bothered locking their bikes up. I doubt I would have ever traveled there if Sensation hadn’t been there, it never really crossed my mind and I really had no idea what to expect from the city, but I’m so glad I had the chance to go. We had the best food I’ve eaten so far in Europe, a Danish buffet with a mix of traditional food and a bunch of other food I’ve missed since being here (hummus and tzatziki mostly), unexpectedly. Our hostel was also the nicest place we’ve stayed, even though it was a mixed room with random people. Most of the people there were also going to Sensation, and the hostel had its own bar decorated for christmas already (apparently christmas beer season started that same weekend), actually the whole city looked like a mini-xmas town. Weirdest part of the trip was running into kids from Tulane at Sensation (and again in Amsterdam), I have no idea how this keeps happening in random cities all over Europe.