This is a video answering three questions about my study abroad experience so far. The scene is set on a sunny day in Hyde Park. The questions focus on how my world view has changed because of the study abroad experience and how I felt interacting with locals.
I think what also made it hard for me to build relationships with locals is that I am the minority in London. Meaning there is not a lot of young 20 year olds around, and the ones I do find are not locals. Also, I didn’t realize till recently, that London although diverse, still lacks integration. For example, there are a few areas in London where all races are mixed together. I went to Borough Market the other day and looked around to realize that the crowd was filled with mostly white people. Then I went to Brixton, where the crowd was mostly filled with black people. This separation astonishes me. It is like this with other races in London as well, where certain people have their certain corners.

Kasharena Horton
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Kasharena Horton, but you can call me Kasha. I am a junior studying at American University and this semester I am studying with the IES program in London! Public Health and specifically the topic of health disparities interest me and this program allows me to really dive into the inner-workings of my interest by giving me hands on work in the field. This is my first time in Europe so this whole experience is brand new to me and you'll probably guess that through my blog as I note things about London and my experience here that locals probably don't even notice anymore. I love working and interacting with people from all walks of life, and I can't wait to explore London and all its diversity. Catch up with you soon, thanks for reading!</span></p>