The world is a huge place but just small enough for us to travel wherever our hearts desire. Studying abroad is the perfect opportunity to start. Sure, one could travel later in life, without having to worry about attending classes, but doing so in college offers a safety net for new, young travelers. There is a tremendous amount of support offered to those who opt to go while in college. This helps ease some of the anxiety one may feel when traveling.
Not only does studying abroad expose us to new cultures, when studying abroad you learn something about yourself. You go through a self discovery. It may not be huge but no matter where you go or what you do, you change in some way. For the better. You may become more compassionate, seeing a new culture and coming to understand that people are different and wonderfully unique. You may become more confident, finding a version of you that has been hiding and waiting for a beautiful city to emerge. Or you may discover how independent you can be when on your own.
Now, it is a daunting task. But it is one I highly recommend people undertake. People often say it looks good on a resume, and it does, but that is because of what it implies. Exposure to new cultures allows people to be more understanding. This is vital in life. Being in a foreign country that has different customs really brings one to realize that the world is filled with all sorts of people. That your way of doing things is not inherently correct. You have to start thinking differently. Situations are more complex and require one to learn patience. Having these experiences becomes extremely helpful later in life.
These are all somewhat profound reasons. Even if these donāt tickle your fancy, as long as you like fun and adventure, then you should study abroad. In the beginning everything is new. The language, the city, the people. Every day there is something new to do. There is something for everyone. You can try some of the local cuisine, see some amazing sites or lounge around in a cute cafe. As the time flies, you realize there is so much housed in one city, let alone one country, that it would be impossible to do everything in one semester or even one year, you will be begging to go back again.

Kaitlyn Morales
I am a silly, go with the flow kind of person. I love adventure and family. Travel and home, the simple and the extravagant. I am Kaitlyn Morales. From a small town in California, I have taken every chance I can to travel.