Shark Week in South Africa

Julianna Ashe
September 3, 2013

As many of you already know, a few weeks ago marked the Discover Channel’s annual ‘Shark Week,’ which many, including myself, obsess over. The network broadcasts a week’s worth of high-quality shark footage shot all over the world. At the very end of this past Shark Week, I had the privilege to go shark cage diving in Gansbaai’s “Shark Alley,” with one of the guys who films for Shark Week.

Two of my friends from IES and I woke up before the sun rose to set out for the two hour journey to Gansbaai. We arrived just as the sun was coming up, and were amazed by the sun rising over the coast. The cage diving company gave us a few tips about safety, and then we put on our wet suits, hopped on a boat, and set out for Shark Alley! My friends and I volunteered to go amongst the first group of divers, and were so excited to see some Great Whites! While a few others sat back on the boat and got sea sick, I was having the time of my life cooped up in a little cage under the water, watching great whites swim by me just a few feet from my face. During our second round of diving, one of the sharks swam pace first right into the cage in front of me, with its mouth wide open! I got an insane view of the sharks jaw, and the adrenaline was pumping through my system. The trip was so fun, and I would definitely recommend the excursion to those who do not get seasick, and are interested in a thrilling experience. 

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Julianna Ashe

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Jules Ashe is Senior at the University of Vermont majoring in Environmental Studies and minoring in Women&#39;s and Gender Studies. Her passions include traveling, cooking, music, photography, and making new connections and relationships with people all over the world. She is very excited to live beside both the Atlantic and Indian Ocean in Cape Town, and be surrounded by a range of beautiful mountains. Mostly though, she cannot wait to take many new pictures and share them with everyone back home!</span></p>

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