Hopes, Desires & Expectations for Studying Abroad in London

Jane Swingle
December 27, 2015

I embark on a five-month study abroad adventure starting in about one week. In preparing for the trip logistically (how many pairs of shoes am I realistically going to wear?!), I’ve also begun to think about my hopes and expectations for my semester in London. If past experience is any indicator, I know I’m about to have the time of my life exploring England (and beyond!), settling into a daily routine as an international student, and occasionally embracing tourist clichés. I’m not worried about making sure I “have fun.” Nevertheless, I love lists—they’re fun to write and easy to read—so, of course I’ve created a to-do list full of oh-so-British activities to try before I leave England. It’s my “bloody smashing brilliant wicked British bucket list,” if you will. Without further ado, I give you my goals and desires for London Study Abroad 2016 (my next home away from home!) nestled into a neat little list.  

1.  Master the tube and ride a double-decker. 

        And eventually look comfortable enough to be mistaken for a Londonner!

2.  Visit the British Museum, the Tate, the National Gallery, the V&A, the list goes on…

        For obvious reasons.

3.  Find the Knight Bus.

        Harry Potter fans, this is for you.

4.  Theater (thee-uh-tahhh in my best fake British accent).

        I want to take advantage of London’s vibrant theater culture during study abroad. And I will happily provide in-depth plot summaries to anyone willing to send free tickets my way. ☺ 

5.  Catch a glimpse of the queen.  

        Just kidding.  I probably won’t see Her Highness from afar.  She’ll invite me over for dinner and a Downton Abbey marathon instead.  

6.  Pick up some British slang.

        Knackered! Fit! Aubergine! Am I making this up?

7. Markets, markets, and more markets.

        From what I’ve heard, my inner market-loving foodie self will love London’s gastronomic scene (minus the fish n' chips for this vegetarian, though)

8.  Pub quiz, please!

        This isn’t just a cliché about England fabricated by Americans, right?

9.  Crack a book and learn.

        I promise to go to class in between fulfilling the rest of these fun intentions, but I reckon most of my favorite lessons from studying abroad won’t actually happen at school. They tend to happen while stuck in an airport or a train station at 2am. 

 10.  Meet memorable people.

        Traveling makes fast, close friends. I love meeting other enthusiastic travelers while exploring more of the world. Does life get much better than that?

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Jane Swingle

<p>I am Jane from Janesville, Wisconsin. &nbsp;I study communications and French at the University of Saint Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota, but I like to spend as much time as possible studying abroad. &nbsp;One day, you&#39;ll probably find me living in Paris. &nbsp;If you can&#39;t find me there, you must not have searched all the boulangeries.</p>

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