So the tortuous work of last week has now turned into a mad dash to pack our luggage. Yesterday I made a quick trip to the Shanghai Science and Technology Market to buy emergency suitcases. I ended up buying a huge one for ~$30 US. We’ve all been scrambling to finish our “Shanghai Bucket lists” before going home. One of the top things on my list was having my last meal at Abbey Road in the French Concession. I won’t bore you with a food critic but just know that, if you’re ever craving a great burger in Shanghai, definitely check it out. Somehow American cuisine tastes so much better in the presence of a sea of Asian restaurants.
Now back to reality…. This past Friday we had a Farewell Dinner which was at a fancy hotel; they served delicious food. We watched everyone’s Chinese videos and shared a good laugh. It was sort of bitter sweet saying goodbye to all my new friends and teachers. Thankfully, I will be staying in China for one more week past the program end date to explore Shanghai a little more/finish my holiday shopping.
Things I’ll miss from Shanghai:
- 1 Kuai Water (16 cents)
- Practicing Mandarin
- Rickshaw rides
- All the awesome people in my program.
- Eating out every meal and being able to afford it.
- My internship boss
- My awesome Chinese teacher
- Lillian’s Dan Ta
- Fake stuff
- Bargaining for everything
I will miss these things and so much more. Studying abroad in Shanghai was an incredible experience that I would recommend to anyone. There is something truly magical about living in another country. Gaining a local understanding, forging new friendships, improving language skills, (buying cool stuff), and creating unforgettable memories are all real possibilities that come out of going abroad. I know some day I will be back to Shanghai, no matter where life leads me. So for now: Hello California and 再见 Shanghai. Let’s meet again.