I think the best way to start off this blog is to start off at Disney World!
I know. You're probably thoroughly confused. But also, if you already knew me really well, you'd know that I absolutely love Disney (my parents met while working there, I was snuggled in the womb while my mom finished working there)... But...
Yeah. Let me explain.
Just yesterday I was thinking about how I wanted to write my first blog post about my soon-to-be Ireland adventure whilst walking through Disney World's Epcot theme park. If you've never been to the park before, it's important to note that there is a huge 'World Showcase' portion of the grounds dedicated to mini pavillion versions of some of the world's many wonderful countries. BUT... what's even more fantastic is that there is a festival in the Fall dedicated to these countries deliously distinct cuisines! They even add little stands of countries who traditionally don't have their own pavillion in the park. Ireland was one of them. As I stood in front of this quaint, rustic looking food stand, greatly resembling a leprauchauns dream home, I realized that this Ireland adventure I've long awaited is starting... and soon!
So, on that note, I'm ready to start my blogging journey. I feel like that little food cottage really got me mentally in the zone for Dublin. My name is Francesca Mouery, but most people call me 'Franny'. It's cute and not 9 letters long. I'm originally from Orlando, FL, but go to school in Granville, Ohio at a beautiful college on a hill called Denison University. Though I'm going to miss my friends back on Denison's campus, I am absolutely overjoyed to be studying at The Gaiety School of Acting in Dublin. Being able to have to opportunity to study in a conservatory-style program is something I've really dreamed of for a while now. I think it's finally time for me to take on that style of theatrical education. My high school had an incredibly disciplined theatre program, however, I'm really excited to take it to the next level so I can prepare myself all I can for my pursuit of an acting career. I am looking forward to learning and loving my craft in a very new educational light.
Though I have had a fervent passion for acting my whole life, I have also discovered a deep passion for writing and directing just recently! I put on my first full-length play at my university last Fall entitled Dear Bernard. Though there were ups and downs, challenges and triumphs, compliments and even criticism, it really solidified a love for telling stories within my heart. I'm very proud of the work I did and excited to develop it further in the future. Gaiety will also allow me to build the skills to be a theatre maker; someone who has a variety of tools to create meaningful and passionate works of theatre from the heart. That was one of the aspects of the Gaiety program that really drew me in. So, yeah. Gaiety already seems wondrous to me!
On a broader scale, I love traveling and discovering new cultures around the world. I have traveled to France, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Belgium, and to many, many Caribbean Islands (My family are HUGE cruisers... We do live in Florida, so that kind of explains a lot). However, I have always wanted to visit Ireland. The green hills & mountain cliffs have always caught my eye, the culture itself is organic & hardworking, and the people are passionate & proud to call "The Green Isle" their home. I want to be a part of a culture that is so happy to be in so many ways. A big part of my family is truly very Irish, but I on the other hand, am about 39.1%. I mean, that's not such a terrible percentage to be. But all numbers aside, I'm ready to experience a part of my ethnicity and heritage that some of my relatives have truly lived in for a long time.
As Norma Desmond says in Sunset Boulevard:
"Withhhhh oneeee lookkk.... (I discovered that my Irish journey was about to begin)"
I've been making lists on the daily of what I need to bring on my adventure, but since I leave in only a couple of days, I think I've finally made the perfect checklist:
1) Black Clothing- At The Gaiety School of Acting, students must wear all black, navy, or dark grey clothing (without logos) during classes. My suitcase is already jam packed with all the black clothing I own. It wasn't such a hard packing experience though since the majority of my every day style already included black! We also are not allowed to wear makeup! It is going to be semi-difficult for me to resist putting on red lipstick and a cat eye because that's my go-to every day look... But, c'est la vie! I'm ready to go fresh-faced and naturally beautiful.
2) My Journal/Watercolor Paints- I really want to remember in writing the awesome times I have while abroad. I picked up a brand new notebook & some watercolor paints so my creativity can soar while I'm not in class. I can jot about my Dublin experiences, the people I meet, and my late night thoughts, while decorating with a little paint here and there (watercolors are also so easy to bring with you).
3) A Love for my Craft- I'm really passionate about telling stories. I think stories inform us all that there is so much to discover in this world and so many perspectives to take into account. There are world's to be created onstage and important tales to be told. My love for theatre in every aspect is definitely something I'm carrying close on my travels.
4)An Openness to Irish Culture- I cannot wait to meet so many new people from such a distinct part of the world! I'm excited to delve into Irish life and everything it has to offer. I don't know what to fully expect, but from what I've already gathered, I feel as though I will love everything and everyone around me.
I will be sharing both stories and photography with you on my travels, but since I'm not actually in Ireland yet, I decided that I'd just show you some photos of my previous travels throughout my life thus far. So, join me on my journey: Before Gaiety, Before Dublin, and Before Abroad!
All the best,

Francesca Mouery
<p>Hello all! My name is Francesca Mouery, but a lot of people call me 'Franny'. I am a rising Junior at Denison University, which is located in a quaint, historic town called Granville, OH. Though I go to school in a very Midwestern area, known for it's farmland and pleasantly cloudy days, I am originally from sunny Orlando, FL. Now, I am ready to journey on my next adventure to Dublin, Ireland to seek out an amazing education in conservatory-style performance and theatre making.</p>