I know it’s typical, cheesy, ‘abroad’ rhetoric, but I cannot wrap my head around the fact that I will be landing in New York (OK, turns out I’m flying into Jersey) tomorrow afternoon. As quickly as this semester went, it feels as if I have been away from home for an eternity. Natürlich, there are things I miss about home: my cat, english, and the availability of any type of great food–and I can’t wait to get home to hug my mom and dad and friends. But there is so much I am going to miss about Freiburg. The schnitchzel, the trams, Feiering. But most importantly, I will miss the 47 other people who have been with me on this journey since September.
Right now I am running on 5 hours of sleep (combination of finals and karaoke) so my thoughts may be overly emotional and corny, but they are no less sincere. To all 47 of you: thank you for the laughs. Thank you for the intellectual political debates. Thank you for dancing to Flo Rida with me at any time. Thank you for forcing me to go out of my comfort zone. Thank you for showing me that family can be found anywhere. And that the company is equally as (if not more) important as the places you visit.
When I get home tomorrow (eeek), I promise I’ll be able to give a clear, less (maybe) sappy recap of my time here. Eh, probably not. There is no way to relay my experiences in these past four months without using Tumblr quotes and crying.
Mom, get the ben and jerrys ready: i’m coming home with a bittersweet taste in my mouth.