Halfway There

Alli Green
October 22, 2013

The good news: my shampoo—the largest bottle I could find in Rossmann’s—is only half gone, which means it will almost certainly last me until the end of the semester. The bittersweet news: my semester here is just about halfway done. The bitter part is clear. I am having so much fun that I can hardly believe how the time has flown, but I can’t classify being halfway done as entirely bad news, because it also means that I have already done so much I never thought I’d do.

When I flick through my travel journal—itself well over halfway filled—I see ticket stubs from plays, movies, museums, my first ever concert, my first ever soccer game, postcards, business cards from flea market vendors, programs, boarding passes (multiple!), and most of all entries documenting the many ups and few downs of the past month and three quarters. When I scan through the 200+ photos I’ve taken, I see children’s artwork surrounding the graves of the Brothers Grimm, street art painted and plastered on walls and poles, amazing architecture from every century I’ve studied, beautiful cathedrals, canals, street performers, cityscapes, and the amazing people I’ve met here.  I can earnestly say I never thought I’d get to do and experience so much in such a short amount of time, and the fact that this experience will end up twice as long accounts for the “sweet” in the bittersweet realization that I’ll be flying home in just about nine weeks.

Alli Green

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Having grown up in rural Vermont, Alli Green now studies art history and studio art at Skidmore College. She stays active on campus by working as admissions ambassador, a tutor in Skidmore&rsquo;s writing center, and looks forward to assistant costume designing the theater department&rsquo;s main stage production in the spring of 2014. Her ambitions include pursuing a master&rsquo;s degree in either art history, museum studies, or library sciences, exploring opportunities to work as a field archeologist, illustrating children&rsquo;s books, and contributing to the making of movie magic as a costume designer or special effects makeup artist. In the meantime, she is content to get excited about books, movies, art, history, and learning everything she can both while she is a student and after.</span></p>

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Art History
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