Crazy For Color!

Alexandra Szotka
April 15, 2014

The holiday of “Holi Day” that is celebrated in India is something that I have always wanted to take part in. Unfortunately until I get to go to India, I will have to take part in all the quasi- color parties that I can find. Fortunately, The We Are One festival, was Cape Town’s version of Holi Day, and overall just a giant excuse to party, which seems to be a common theme in Cape Town. We decided that we would arrive at the celebration at about 1:30pm, since it started at 12, and of course we wanted to be fashionably late. We arrived and got our 6 color packets which was very generous in my opinion because in the past, at color runs I have done we have only gotten one color packet with our registration fee. We walked in and quickly took part in the first color throw. Each one took place on the hour, EVERY HOUR! After that I ate a delicious burrito and ice cream from the food trucks that were lining the street and then I found Jessica and all her housemates. From then on we just took endless photos together and danced to the terrible house music that the male DJ who looked exactly like my mom, was rocking out to. The festival was supposed to continue until 10pm, but at about 5, we started to fade, so all the IES kids went home to try to shower off pounds and pounds of color powder.

“American Gothic”, Cape Town edition


Happy As A Clam!


Ya know, just doing our thing.


Up close and personal!

Because I’m HAPPY!

After this later in the weekend we went to the coolest gay bar called “Beefcakes.” All of my friends had wanted to see a drag show, and this was the perfect place to see one. We all got great food and drinks and watched Mary Scary perform for us. After our great meal and entertainment we walked down to Long Street to go dancing and listen to our favorite South African music. Our main songs here are “Jika” and Y-tjukutja.” They are both quality songs, and really fun to dance to. Overall this weekend was so much fun, and makes me never want to leave this great place! It is amazing to be in a place where there are literally just TOO many things to do!

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Alexandra Szotka

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Alexa is a sophomore at Ithaca College studying both Public Health and Politics, while also hoping to dapple in her new found interest in gender studies. She grew up in Windsor, Connecticut, famous for being the first town in Connecticut. When Alexa doesn&#39;t have her nose in a book, she can be found singing, eating (especially anything pumpkin), being sarcastic or exploring the fantastic world that we are lucky enough to call home. Studying in Cape Town in a dream come true, and Alexa is ready and willing to soak up every last bit of adventure that comes her way!</span></p>

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