IES Abroad

IES Abroad is a premier study abroad and internship program that each year provides a world of opportunity to the more than 9,000 college students served by
its programs around the globe. Since its founding in Chicago in 1950, its nonprofit model aims to open a world of opportunity to its students.

IES Abroad Scholarships and Aid

More than 2,000 students embark on global opportunities each year with support of the IES Abroad Scholarships and Aid. These international study abroad and internship experiences provide a significant boost to student academic and career trajectories.

Scholarship Impact

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Boost in GPA
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Increase in 4-Year Graduation Rates
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Enhanced Career Readiness and Success

“I would like to thank my donors for contributing to one of the highlights of not only my college experience but also my life. There is not a day that goes by that something does not remind me of being abroad, and with that a positive memory of something I did there. My IES Abroad scholarship has given me the opportunity to grow as a student, a person, a professional, and most of all it has allowed me to make the most amazing memories.”
Marie I. 2021 Fall Paris BIA
IES Abroad Study Abroad Film Festival 2022 finalists with the host, Patrick Jager

IES Abroad Student Film Festival In Benefit of Student Scholarships

The IES Abroad Student Study Abroad Film Festival, which this year will be in its ninth year, celebrates the wonders of the world through our student finalist films whose stories inspire and invite all to join in their journeys abroad. The Film Festival is an exciting international benefit which brings together IES Abroad faculty, philanthropists, alumni and friends from around the world to showcase student talent and give flight to future IES Abroad scholarship students.

Festival Details


WHEN: October 12, 2023


  • 6:30 p.m. Doors Open
  • 7:00 p.m. Film Festival Start
  • 8:30 p.m. Festival Awards Reception

Festival Outcomes

  • 54 Sponsored Student Scholarships & Stipends

  • Receipent of 2023 GoAbroad Innovative Student Video Winner
  • 600+ student film submissions from over 160 colleges and universities nationwide
  • $93,000 in Sponsorships Amond Corporate Leaders

Festival Audience

  • IES Abroad Alumni
  • Civic and Corporate Leaders
  • IES Abroad International Faculty and Leadership
  • Study Abroad Department staff from colleges and universities across the U.S.

Sponsorship Details


For more information please contact Jody Madler, Executive Director of Advancement: