Top Study Abroad Blog Quotes of Spring 2017

The laughs, the lessons, the discoveries, the travels – our Spring 2017 study abroad bloggers shared it all. Nearly 400 posts came through from our spring bloggers, so as the semester comes to an end, let’s look back at their posts and reminisce.

Here are our top 10 favorite quotes from our Spring 2017 study abroad bloggers:

“Ever since I have arrived in this city, the magical allure of the Andes has not loosed it grip on me, and I don’t think it will until I leave this place. That is, if it even lets me leave.”

The Misty Mountains by Matthew Osche, IES Abroad Santiago (Penn State University)

“I have found that while food is digested and sights become unseen, the lessons you learn and the people you meet along the way are the most important and valuable aspects of study abroad because they stay with you forever.”

Pre-departure Feels by Rosemary Newsome, IES Abroad Nice (Texas Christian University)

Photo Credit: Claire F. (Lawrence University)

"Yet every doubt and unfinished hem within my brain stems from a bubbling source of excitement. I catch myself smiling on train rides as I daydream about indulging in New Zealand’s fresh produce.  In these moments, the nervousness I feel becomes average, regular, and expected.  I must remind myself that I’m not supposed to know everything about my abroad experience. If I knew the NZ culture, why would I study abroad here? Why would I travel to a destination familiar to me?

I’ll climb Mt. Tongariro and crawl through Hobbiton, two thrilling destinations on my curated list of adventures that finally will be possible.  A fresh sense of nervousness does shake my bones, but my curiosity remains strong."

New Vocabulary, Same Personality by Daphne Moskofides, IES Abroad Auckland (Skidmore College)

Photo Credit: Emma S. (The College of Wooster)

“It is easy to fall in love with South Africa; to wake up to the sweet voices of school children singing on Sunday mornings, walk along the colorful patterns of the houses in BoKaap, and stare at the mesmerizing sunsets settling in against the mountains. It is easy to fall for the deep sounds of African music, with each beat of the drums controlling every limb of your body. It is so easy to feel alive with every day that passes, every adventure cultivating a new home in your heart, shaping you into a better person than you were the last.”

Rose Colored Lenses by Alissamariah Gutierrez, IES Abroad Cape Town (Catholic University of America)

Photo Credit: Connor B. (Indiana University)

“I am currently looking back at my entire experience from academics to leisure, and realizing how much studying abroad helped me understand myself at a deeper level. The few months I spent in Europe allowed me to test my personal boundaries, learn new ways to communicate with others, and allowed me to be more vulnerable to new experiences and cultures.”

My Final Day by Brian Lucksinger, IES Abroad London (University of Wisconsin - Madison)

“I signed up for a homestay placement without very high expectations, thinking I would work on improving my Japanese and get to learn about Japanese life. I didn’t expect the emotional support and encouragement, the delicious daily meals filled with love and customized to my tastes, or the help with complicated homework. I’ve found that when you interact and actively try to become a part of the family, you find yourself forging unbreakable bonds that will carry through a lifetime, if you nurture them well.”

Homestay: A Cultural Exchange by Naomi Wolfe, IES Abroad Nagoya (Austin College)

Photo Credit: Jada B. (Georgetown University)

“I came here religiously believing in the unyielding rhetoric that we can always find common ground, no matter how different we are. I came here believing that I would be the one to find that common ground, that I would be able to sacrifice the comfort of familiarity to find something in common among the unfamiliar.”

Eating McDonald’s in Rabat by Emma Jerzyk, IES Abroad Rabat (Brown University)

“Study abroad if you can, travel when you go, and come into the experience with an open mind. Immerse yourself in the city and its culture and explore. Find your favorite little places in the city (enjoying a sunny day in Piazza Cavour is my suggestion for Rome) and let yourself become a citizen. Become a local and learn the ways of the city. It’s the best way to get the most out of your study abroad experience.”

Oh How I Wish I Never Had to Leave by Shannon Re, IES Abroad Rome (Temple University)

Photo Credit: Libby D. (Indiana University)

“My experience these slightly less than two weeks in Salamanca, España, has been all about turning the lemons of culture shock into the lemonade of learning a brand new way of life. While adjusting to change isn’t always fun or graceful, it’s necessary for growth. Life starts outside of your comfort zone. Here’s to leaving mine behind.”

Learning to Adjust with Grace by Maria Amorosso, IES Abroad Salamanca (Colgate University)

Photo Credit: Jenny L.

“I do not yet know what kind of person I will be after this semester is over. However, in these precious few months in the land of the rising sun, I can feel myself being reshaped by every moment. Both by dramatic and beautiful celebration, and by challenge and hard work.”

My Tokyo by Timothy Valero, IES Abroad Tokyo (Occidental College)

There’s plenty more where that came from. Read posts from all of our study abroad bloggers.

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