IES Abroad Alumni Reunite in 2014-15

Jill Kruidenier
October 6, 2014

September was a busy month for IES Abroad Vienna alumni – from Vienna to New York to California, four classes got together to remember, reconnect, and reunite.In all, more than 130 alumni and their guests enjoyed reliving their study abroad memories.

The classes who reunited in Vienna toured the current Vienna Center, met with current students to compare their experiences, and looked through the Center’s archives of photos and materials from their time abroad.

Congratulations to the following classes who held reunions:

Currently, many classes are busy making plans to gather for IES Abroad Reunion Weekends in 2015 at select Centers, including Freiburg/EU, London, Madrid, Nantes, Paris, Vienna, and more. To date, 29 classes are planning to participate with more expected to join in.

Alumni interested in organizing a reunion can find helpful information, including Reunion Toolkits for their Center, on our website. For more information please email

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Jill Kruidenier

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