Enter the IES Abroad Photo Contest Today

Anna Egan

Fall 2012 IES Abroad students, it's time to enter your photos in the IES Abroad Photo Contest!

IES Abroad gives a $200 prize to the winner of each of the four photo contest categories:

  • The Student Experience – Photo(s) submitted should be of you and/or your IES Abroad classmates during your time abroad and should be taken in the city where you are studying or during IES Abroad field trips. 
  • Landscapes & Landmarks – Photo(s) submitted should be of the local sites in the city where you are studying or during IES Abroad field trips.  For example, photos might be of landmarks, buildings, landscapes, or local residents and culture.
  • The Global Classroom – Photo(s) submitted should be of you and/or your classmates learning abroad. Pictures can be of IES Abroad students in the classroom setting, on field trips, during field study, during cultural events/activities, or experiencing and engaging with local culture.
  • your world [redefined] – Photo(s) submitted should be of at least one IES Abroad student holding a redefined sign. Note: Be sure to write something on the line.

Note: Some categories may overlap. Use your best judgment to determine which category to choose.

How to Enter

  • Submit your photo contest entries by the deadline: January 25, 2013
  • Photos should be sent to photos@IESabroad.org. Instagram photos will not be accepted, and photos MUST be at least 1200 x 1600 pixels.
  • Up to four submissions TOTAL per student will be accepted (Example: a student could submit two pictures for the Landscapes & Landscapes category and two for the Student Experience category).
  • Please name your photo as follows:  Location_Caption_Your Full Name

    Example: London_Big Ben_Sarah Jones
  • Please also include the following in your email:
    • Your full name
    • IES Abroad program location/year and term
    • Title and a brief description of the picture, including which category you are entering the photo in.
  • Please note this contest is open to IES Abroad students only.


If you have any questions, please contact Jeanne Haegele at photos@IESabroad.org or at 312.264.5116.

We look forward to receiving your photo submission!

Photos and images submitted to IES Abroad for the photo contest become the sole property of IES Abroad, including all right, title and interest therein, and will not be returned. By submitting your photograph(s), you also permit IES Abroad to use your name in conjunction with any photographs used to promote IES Abroad programs in any and all media. IES Abroad has the sole right to determine the future use of the photos.

This person does not have a headshot photo

Anna Egan

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