The Night Before

Noa Solomon
January 18, 2022
The flight to Spain

Sitting here on my couch in my apartment in Manhattan, New York the night before my trip to beloved Barcelona, I am forced to contemplate all that I have faced to get to this point, and all that lies ahead. 

My fears:

To start things off, I didn't even think I would be traveling abroad. This is not because I didn’t want to, but because of factors outside of my control led me to believe I would never be able to fulfill my dream of a lifetime: going abroad. After many problems trying to obtain a passport and a visa, I felt like I had exhausted all my options. I felt as if the universe was telling me I shouldn't be attending this trip abroad and that I should stay complacent in Madison, Wisconsin (where I attend school), which was the last thing I wanted to do. I relentlessly worked with the staff members at IES Abroad, who worked every angle to ensure that I would make it on that plane come January 7th. I received the email exactly two weeks prior to my departure that I was 100% in and it finally felt real. My dreams were coming true.

My thoughts:

Now I can confidently say I'm ready to go. I've had my final dinner (my favorite Chinese place in New York), I've hugged my cat about a million times, I've had my last bowl of Haagen-Daz peppermint bark ice cream (because I'm unsure if they have it in Barcelona or not), and I’ve FINALLY figured out what phone plan I will be using. My bags are packed, my papers are all accounted for and I've bid my adieus.

It's finally sinking in. I know that this is what I am meant to be doing.

My hopes: 

I am bursting with excitement thinking about all that awaits me when I finally touch down in Barcelona. After reaching out to a couple friends that have already taken on the daunting task of "being an adult" in another country, I am nothing but eager to step on that plane tomorrow. The FOMO that tingles through my body with every snapchat I open from my buddies already in Barcelona, I am reassured that this trip is for me. This feeling of belonging is yet another reminder that this is what I am meant to be doing.

I'm beyond excited to try the food, explore the environment, start classes, get settled into my apartment and meet new people! 

Although I have no idea what I am about to endure, I cant help but feel excited. I am no longer deterred by my nerves but I am embracing them.

That's it for now, I'll see you in Spain!



Noa Solomon

<p>Noa Solomon is an avid sports enthusiast, foodie and animal lover. She studies at the University of Wisconsin as a Journalism major where she excersises her passion for writing, as well as double minoring in sports communication and special education. She was born and raised a city girl, coming from the big apple itself, Manhattan, New York. She studied at the Professional Performing Arts School in Times Square as a drama major for 7 years and continues to participate in acting as much as she can. She was just featured in the 90s teen comedy film Generation Wrecks as Brittney Pratt this past September.</p>

Home University:
University of Wisconsin - Madison
New York CIty, NY
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