Una delle mie amiche di Cornell, che studia la moda a Parigi, è venuta a Milano la settimana scorsa, e ci siamo divertite un sacco. Per caso, è stata anche Milano Moda Donna, dunque siamo andate alle sfilate per vedere la gente e tutti gli abiti pazzeschi. Anche se non potevamo entrare, è stato incredibile essere sulla scena e interagire con gli altri appassionati della moda!
One of my friends from Cornell, who is studying fashion in Paris, came to visit me last week, and we had loads of fun together. It just happened to be Milan Fashion Week, so one of the things we did was hang around the outside of the shows to see the people and all the crazy outfits. Even though we couldn’t actually attend the shows, it was still amazing to be at the scene and interact with other fashion enthusiasts!

Jocelyn Wu
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Jocelyn Wu lived in sunny California for 18 years before relocating to Ithaca, NY to study apparel design at Cornell University. She is currently a junior. She strives to design innovative, functional, and enduring clothing that elicits an emotional connection with the wearer. Her dream is to become a "people's designer": far from the realms of both luxury and fast fashion, serving those in the average population who understand that clothing is meant to be cherished for years beyond a single season. When she isn't in the studio, Jocelyn likes to knit, study foreign languages, journal, cook, bike, play the guitar, run, and wash dishes, occasionally (somewhat) simultaneously.</span></p>